Value Proposition Workshop


Identify your purpose, the value you deliver and learn how to articulate this to customers in a concise Value Proposition

Develop & refine your Value Proposition with one of Bigrock’s expert Sales Consultants

A Value Proposition is your promise to your customer. It should clearly and concisely explain why you exist, how you work, what you deliver and the value you add.

Most people can articulate “WHAT” they do (e.g. what service they provide). However, when it comes to  “WHY” they do what they do and “HOW” they do it, many companies fall short. A Value Proposition that articulates the “WHY”, the “HOW” and the “WHAT” can help differentiate you from your competitors and add impact to your engagement process.

Our Value Proposition workshops provide leaders, managers and sales professionals with the opportunity to develop, define and articulate their Value Proposition.

We explore the importance of a Value Proposition to good business relationships, communication, presenting and sales.

Value Proposition Workshops are suitable for;

  • Leaders exploring vision and strategy
  • Leaders and managers looking to set best practice for sales, client relationship management or pitching
  • Key Account Managers & Client Relationship Managers
  • Sales teams
  • Pitch teams

Your Value Proposition workshop would be designed to reflect your objectives and wider change journey.

Define your Value Proposition

Explore & Identify:

Why your organisation exists? What was it set up to achieve?

Your organisation’s values and what they mean for you and for your customers.

What’s your vision and purpose?

How does this affect your behaviours?

How does this affect the way you do business?

How does this affect your customers?

What value do you add? – Proof Points & Evidence

Articulate your Value Proposition

Practise & Implement:

How can you articulate this in a clear, consise Value Proposition?

Refine & agree your organisation / team’s Value Proposition

How will you use it in your role?

How will you share this best practice approach with the wider business?

Practise articulating your Value Proposition

Embed your Value Proposition in your sales, communication & pitch processes

Face to Face or Virtual Delivery Options

In the majority of cases, we recommend a ½-day or 1-day workshop. These can also be delivered virtually.
½ day
Our ½ day Value Proposition workshops give you the opportunity to develop your Value Proposition. This course is ideal for leaders and mangers looking to define their Value Proposition ahead of a broader Key Account Management, Sales or Pitch training programme or a wider change programme.

Typically, leaders consider how they can articulate their ‘why’, their true purpose and value. They will then add in their own ‘how’ and ‘what’, to create their Value Proposition. The workshop provides leaders with the opportunity to define their Value Proposition before they bring team members together for training. Team members can then personalise the Value Proposition, adding their own ‘how’ and ‘what’, as part of the wider training programme.

1 Day
Our 1-day Value Proposition workshops give you the opportunity to first develop and define your Value Proposition, before exploring how it will be used in role. In a typical workshop, attendees first consider how they can articulate their ‘why’, their true purpose and value. They then add in their own ‘how’ and ‘what’, to create their own Value Proposition. Attendees then explore how to use their Value Proposition effectively in their role and practice delivering their Value Proposition. Typically, we end workshops by recording the team’s agreed Value Proposition and videoing each attendee/group delivering their own personal Value Proposition or if delivered virtually they can be videoed on your mobile device. After the workshop, the agreed Value Proposition is then shared with attendees and other team members. This provides a great reference point from which to embed a consistent Value Proposition in your day to day approach.

This course is ideal for leaders and mangers looking to define their Value Proposition ahead of a broader training or change programme. It is also suitable for Key Account Managers, Sales professionals and Pitch teams looking to agree and practise a consistent Value Proposition for use in client meetings or pitches.

“Thank you for your time. This was one of, if not the best, brainstorming sessions I’ve ever had! Although not a fan (at all!) of these sessions, it was brilliantly conducted. I really feel we are starting to dig a rough diamond that now needs to be shaped.”Senior Consultant, global commercial real estate company.

Contact Bigrock to learn more about our Value Proposition workshops