Bigrock Leadership Development programmes are designed bespoke for your organisation

We design and deliver programmes for:

  • Leadership & Executive teams
  • Leaders introducing or implementing change
  • New leaders, senior managers and team leaders
  • Experienced leaders who have had little or no formal management training
  • CEOs, MDs, Directors, Business Owners and Heads of Departments
Call us now to speak to one of our experts about your leadership development needs on 01280 820 780.
Our Leadership Development programmes are designed bespoke to meet your needs and requirements.

We can either work with leaders to help them optimise business strategy or develop their skills and processes.

Leadership Skills Programmes

We can help leaders to develop their skills and processes for developing others and creating a culture of excellence in their business.

Typically, Leaders might explore…

My role as a leader; as a visionary, storyteller, servant and agent of change.

Do I have a clear vision for the future of the business? How will the business achieve (greater) success?

How will I articulate this vision to the business? How will I tell my story?

People drive success. How can I serve our people to help them serve our customers?

How can I be an agent for change, inspire others and create new social norms?

How do I bring out the best in others?

How can I influence those around me in other leadership roles?

What have I learnt in my years in business? How can I apply this in my leadership role?

Leadership Strategy & Business Growth Programmes

We can help leaders explore their vision for the future, how to manage change, develop their strategy and optimise their business.

Typically, Leaders might explore…

How do we want to change and grow our business?

What challenges do we face?

What opportunities can we identify?

What is our business strategy?

How are we going to implement this strategy?

Do we have the right mindset for change?

Do we have the right structure in place for growth?

Do we have the right skillsets in place to grasp opportunities and realise success?

How can we share the responsibility for making this happen?

Who amongst us is taking ownership for each element and stage?

What are our immediate actions? How can we make sure change happens?

Our Consultants take a practical and pragmatic approach to leadership development. We ask leaders to appraise their approach, agree what constitutes excellence and how they can optimise performance at an individual, team and organisation wide level.

We can work with a particular executive team or with leaders with similar development needs and challenges from across your business. Your programme can be structured to work with your leaders’ busy schedules.

Leadership programmes can be delivered as a 1 or 2 day event, as a series of workshops or as group coaching sessions.

Contact Bigrock to learn more about our Leadership Development programmes