Bigrock Coaching programmes are a blend of coaching, mentoring and guidance

We design and deliver programmes for:

  • Leaders & Executives
  • Leaders introducing or implementing change
  • New leaders, senior managers and team leaders
  • Experienced leaders who have had little or no formal management training
  • CEOs, MDs, Directors, Business Owners and Heads of Departments
Call us now to speak to one of our experts about your Coaching needs on 01280 820 780.
Our Coaching programmes are designed to meet the coachee’s needs and requirements.

Anyone who has influence over others within a business could benefit from our coaching programmes.

Great Leadership

We can help leaders increase their competence and therefore deliver greater value to both organisation and personnel

Typically, Leaders might explore…

How to get the right balance between leadership and management, ensuring both are delivered.

How they will lead, looking at different leadership styles and approaches.

The role of a modern day leader – Visonary | Storyteller | Servant |Agent of Change.

Their role in delivering and communicating the organisations vision.

Leadership behaviours & tasks; what they need to do and what the organisation expects of them as a leader.

Being a role model. What behaviours they need to role model and embed.

Delivering as a Leader

Our coaches will take coachees through what it means to deliver as a leader using mindset, skills and processes

Typically, Leaders might explore…

Mindset – The importance of positivity to success, how to encourage it and drive out fear.

Mindset – The Trust equation and how to build trust as a leader, for a stronger team and stronger client relationships.

Processes – Exploring, agreeing and applying structure & processes for organisational or team success.

Skills to inspire performance and grow your team – How to set organisational standards, make these become real from the top; as well as how to create a culture of self-propulsion towards an organisational vision and goal.

Communication & Influencing Skills – Leading through actions, ensuring your words and actions align, the power of simplicity.

Bigrock coaching is business focused, practical and aimed at helping individuals make real changes that deliver results.

Coaching programmes are designed to flex around the individual’s particular needs and objectives, as well as the business’s wider requirements. Typically, we recommend a series of 6 x 2-hour coaching sessions, with a 4-6 week interval between each session for reflection and application.

To help leaders choose a coach that meets their needs and learning style, we offer 30-minute Coaching Chemistry sessions with up to 2 coaches, prior to their first coaching session.

Executive Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Management Coaching

Personal Development & Skills Coaching

Professional Development & Career Coaching

Remedial Coaching & Outplacement Support

The Bigrock Coaching Faculty

Manage and deliver first class coaching across your business when and where it is will have the greatest impact.

We can help you set up, brief and manage coaching provision across your organisation.

We can create a coordinated coaching programme with;

  • A range of external coaching expertise, with the appropriate experience.
  • Consistent criteria across the organization as to who gets a coach and for what purpose.
  • Clarity around the purpose and form of coaching.
  • Coaching aligned to your talent management, performance appraisal and career development processes.
  • Validation of the quality of coaches on an ongoing basis.
  • Coach briefings to ensure consistency of message and that all coaches understand and promote the organisation’s wider strategic objectives, values and culture.
  • A clear structure and process for coaching assignments to set objectives, measure success and track progress.
  • Regular coaching reviews and  feedback of core themes.
  • A clear overall view on total coaching spend and the qualitative and quantitative return on investment.

Contact Bigrock to learn more about our Coaching programmes