
Pitching is a key business and sales skill.

Many organisations have to pitch to win business. The pitch is a chance to present your solution, demonstrate your value and secure the sale.

Yet many people find pitching for business daunting. Remember no sales = no business.

The App

Through key pointers, lists, diagrams and videos the app provides a clear and concise guide for those looking to learn how to pitch for business.


  • The five essentials for a successful pitch.
  • The difference between pitching and presenting.
  • Great Pitchers  – what can you learn from the experts?
  • Why are you pitching, for what and to who? What do your audience need to know?
  • How to structure your pitch, from the attention grabber to asking for business and finishing on an attention closer.
  • Pitching skills to deliver your pitch with maximum impact.
  • 5 different pitching aids – how and when to use different models and techniques.

Other features include

Top Tips

Refresh your memory on top tips and techniques


Use the checklist to help you prepare thoroughly


Review past pitches and see where you can improve

Use the App to…




… your business pitches!

Download the App for Apple or Android

Some screenshots from the App

Other Apps

★★★★★ “Short and quality content. Loved it.”
★★★★★ “Step-by-step on how to prepare and then perform. Incredible.”
★★★★★ “This is the PERFECT Sales app.”
★★★★★ “…find all you need to know about getting in new business.”