Doing it the CORE 8 way

Why CORE 8?

A valid question right now, is what assurance do we have that investing in change will get a good ROI? During lockdown, Bigrock looked deeply and closely at the reasons why organisational change either works or fails.
70% of change initiatives fail… and our desire to help reverse that into a 70% + success rate, led to the creation of our Core 8 model.
You may ask why many change initiatives fail…

Lack of a clearly communicated strategy

Lack of support and buy-in by key organisational leaders

Failure to understand the change initiative's relevance & measure progress

Lack of sufficient technology to implement and sustain the change initiative

Lack of positive and transparent reinforcement

Lack of understanding about the impact of change

How do you reverse the trend and make change initiatives succeed…

The Core 8 model demonstrates that successful change does not come from just training events, no matter how excellent they are. Successful change, and the consequent uplift in success and results, comes from a total process that must be fully undertaken…


This process begins with buy-in: there must be personal buy-in to the reasons for change, the benefits of change, and how it will positively impact on the individual. Once this mindset is in place and supported by leaders, the business, and even clients in the market, then we can move to create the learning and commitment.


This goes beyond skills, process, and mentality, it explores precisely what new approaches will be applied and in what way and for what desired result. This not only becomes the plan of change but also the plan for success; for achieving the years targets and objectives.


In many ways this is where the hard work begins, as these new approaches are first applied and then repeated until they are embedded into new habits in role. Finally, it is important to look back, to review, as well as celebrate the successes and goals that have been achieved.

The Core 8 process – from first imagining to then forming new habits…

What makes Core 8 work?

Core 8 uses a combination of models and methodologies to implement change. It is built off the back of combining human delivery, a robo-coach (digital virtual coach) element, and data analysis. The degree to which these are used will vary depending on the specific requirements and objectives of the required change.




With each change journey we work with your business leaders, managers and team members to create a programme that helps you deliver change your way.

Whilst working with both world class organisations and firms on their journey to become world class, we have found that the key to success lies in developing the right mindset, structure and skillsets at an individual, team and organisation wide level.

We often begin with this simple model for success.


We help organisations ensure that everyone is working towards the same future vision and are driven by the same organisational values. We help teams develop a mindset where innovation, optimising performance and delighting clients are at the forefront of their approach.

Structure & Process:

We help organisations develop their structure and processes to ensure these are fit for purpose and that everyone knows their role and responsibilities in driving change and delivering success.


We give individuals clarity around what constitutes excellence in their role and what they need to do to achieve these standards. We help them develop their skillsets and create good habits around implementing new approaches and striving for new levels of success.


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Case Studies

Contact Bigrock to learn more about how we can help you transform your organisation